Certified Expert SQA Automation Program (WEBDRIVERIO)

Module:1 class:1

  1. General talking on automation
  2. How to choose a tool for automation
  3. What to automate? How to choose which part to automate.
  4. What if my team/company/client does not want to adopt/use/implement automation, what should I do then
  5. When to automate in SDLC/Agile
  6. Introduction to WebDriverIO
  7. Setting up WebDriverIO environment
  8. Installing WebDriverIO
  9. What we will be doing. Which project we will do. Course path and structure.

Module:2 class :2

  1. WebDriverIO Configuration
  2. Project Structure
  3. Writing First Test
  4. Running Tests with WebDriverIO
  5. Understanding WebDriverIO commands

Module:3 class: 3,4,5,6

  1. Understanding basic of Chrome DOM
  2. Learning Xpath thus we can create any Xpath for any DOM elements.
  3. Locating Elements
  4. CSS Selectors
  5. XPath Selectors
  6. Actions on Elements (Click, Type, etc.)
  7. Working with Forms (First Real Site)
  8. Working with Page Object Model (POM)

Module:4 class: 7,8,9

  1. Introduction to Assertions
  2. Writing Assertions with WebDriverIO
  3. Working with Frames and Windows
  4. Handling Dropdowns and Alerts
  5. Drag and Drop Operations
  6. Handling Waits and Timeouts
  7. Talking about clean code and Reusable code
  8. How page object model is helping to achieve the 1st point

Module:5 class: 10,11

  1. Verifications and Reporting (HTML report and allure report)
  2. Various place to send the report (Slack integration, Email Integration, allure report deploy in Netlify)
  3. Managing Test Data
  4. Creating program/automated test data.
  5. Importance of test data

Module:6 class:12,13

  1. Sending http requests from WebDriverIO. Why and in which situation we need it.
  2. Knowing a test mail app to automate the scenario 2fa/Activation link etc.

Module:7 Class:14,15,16

  1. Jenkins
  2. Git and GitHub
  3. Deploy in Netlify using Jenkins

Module:8 Class: 17,18,19

  1. Code challenge in group work. I will provide a challenge, that they have to solve in a group. Have to upload the cod in GitHub. And have to run using Jenkins


  1. Understanding API
  2. How many kinds of they are. (SOAP, REST etc)
  3. Explore different kind of Http request
    1. GET
    2. POST
    3. PUT
    4. DELETE
    5. PATCH
    6. DELETE
    7. HEAD
    8. OPTIONS
  4. Explore Status code
  5. Deep dive into Authorization and Authentication and how they relate with status code 401 and 403
  6. Learning difference between Unit test and API/Integration test.
  7. A bit of JSON
  8. Set up an environment to create our first API.
  9. Creating first API
  10. Why do we need the Postman? What benefits do we have by doing API testing?
  11. Call the API from Postman


  1. Quick recap of previous class.
  2. Exploring postman
    1. Workspace
    2. Collection
    3. Search
    4. Settings
    5. Import
    6. Invite
    7. Console
  3. Taking about Variable in Postman
    1. Global Variables
    2. Collection variables
    3. Environment variables (imp: Why we must store password in environment variable not in Collection variable )
    4. Data variables
    5. Local variable
  4. Taking about Script
    1. Pre-request-script
    2. Test script
  5. Talking about
    1. Request Example Why we need it
    2. Test runner
      1. Sequence to run
      2. Run manually Schedule run
      3. Automation run
  6. Testing our first API using postman using the total thing we have learned so far


  1. Continuing the API testing. Using Different collection
  2. Talking About How to Document the Test from postman.
  3. Adding CI/CD Jenkins


  1. Wrapping up what we have learned yet.
  2. Preserve this time as a backup for previous classes.
  3. Repeating class 1 topic to show the relation
  4. Q/A session on postman
  5. AI in API Testing and AI in Postman