PHP Course Outline
1st Chapter: Introduction
- Basics of PHP
- Introduction to PHP: PHP.net Manual
- Setting up a Local Development Environment (XAMPP/WAMP/LAMP): WAMP Tutorial | XAMPP Tutorial
- Writing and Running Your First PHP Script: Hello World Example
2nd Chapter: Data Types, Variables, and Built-in Functions
- How to Print
- Echo and Print: Echo vs Print
- PHP Tags, Variables, Data Types
- PHP Tags: PHP Tags Overview
- Variables: PHP Variables
- Data Types: PHP Data Types
- String Concatenation, Type Casting, Juggling
- String Operators: PHP String Operators
- Type Juggling: PHP Type Juggling
- Arithmetic Operators
- Arithmetic Operators: PHP Arithmetic Operators
- String Functions, Date Time Functions
- String Functions: PHP String Functions
- Date and Time Functions: PHP Date/Time Functions
3rd Chapter: Arrays and Iteration
- Array Functions, Associative Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
- Arrays: PHP Arrays
- Array Functions: PHP Array Functions
- Basic Loops, Nested Loops, Looping Through Arrays
- Loops: PHP Loops
- Looping Through Arrays: Foreach Loop
4th Chapter: Control Structure Conditionals
- If-Else Statements, Comparison & Logical Operators
- Conditionals: PHP If-Else
- Operators: Comparison Operators | Logical Operators
- Conditionals in Loop, Break, Continue
- Switch Statements, Ternary Operator, Null Coalescing Operator
- Switch Statement: PHP Switch
- Ternary & Null Coalescing: PHP Ternary Operator | Null Coalescing Operator
5th Chapter: Functions
- Parameters, Arguments, Global/Local Scope, Constants
- Functions: PHP Functions
- Constants: PHP Constants
- Optional Type Declarations, Creating Helper Functions
- Type Declarations: PHP Type Declarations
- Anonymous Functions, Closures, Callback Functions, Arrow Functions
- Anonymous Functions & Closures: PHP Anonymous Functions
- Arrow Functions: PHP Arrow Functions
6th Chapter: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Creating a Class, Access Modifiers, Getter/Setter Functions
- Classes and Objects: PHP OOP
- Access Modifiers: PHP Access Modifiers
- Inheritance, Static Members/Methods, Abstract Classes, Interfaces
- Inheritance: PHP Inheritance
- Abstract Classes & Interfaces: Abstract Classes | Interfaces
7th Chapter: Superglobals
- Overview, Server Information, Environment Variables
- Superglobals: PHP Superglobals
- Getting Data from Query Params, Posting Data from Forms
- File Uploads, Sessions, Cookies
- File Uploads: PHP File Uploads
- Sessions: PHP Sessions
- Cookies: PHP Cookies
8th Chapter: Database Integration using PDO
- Configuring Database, Connecting with PDO
- PDO Overview: PHP PDO
- Fetching Single/Multiple Records, Inserting, Deleting, Editing Records
- CRUD Operations: PDO CRUD
9th Chapter: Workopia Project Start Routing
- Folder Setup, Git Setup, Creating a Helper Function, Basic Router
- Git Setup: Git Basics
- Routing: PHP Routing
10th Chapter: Database Class Fetch and Display
- Database Class Connection, Query Method Fetch Listings, Passing to View
- Database Connection: PDO Database Class
- Displaying Data: Displaying Data with PHP
11th Chapter: Namespaces, Controller Classes, Router Refactor
- Handling Route Params, Namespaces
- Namespaces: PHP Namespaces
12th Chapter: Create, Update, Delete Listings
- Validation Class, Insert/Delete Listings, Flash Messages, Update Listings
- Validation: PHP Data Validation
- Flash Messages: Flash Messages in PHP
13th Chapter: Authentication and Authorization
- Delete/Update Authorization, Middleware, Flash Message Methods
- Authentication & Authorization: PHP Authentication
- Middleware: Creating Middleware
14th Chapter: Final Touches and Adding Counter
- Creating Search Functionality
- Search Implementation: Implementing Search in PHP
This course outline provides a comprehensive guide to mastering PHP, starting from the basics and progressing to advanced topics such as OOP and database integration. Each chapter includes links to relevant resources for further learning and practical implementation.