Master PHP: Build Dynamic Web Applications

PHP Course Outline

1st Chapter: Introduction

2nd Chapter: Data Types, Variables, and Built-in Functions

3rd Chapter: Arrays and Iteration

4th Chapter: Control Structure Conditionals

5th Chapter: Functions

6th Chapter: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

7th Chapter: Superglobals

8th Chapter: Database Integration using PDO

  • Configuring Database, Connecting with PDO
  • Fetching Single/Multiple Records, Inserting, Deleting, Editing Records

9th Chapter: Workopia Project Start Routing

  • Folder Setup, Git Setup, Creating a Helper Function, Basic Router

10th Chapter: Database Class Fetch and Display

11th Chapter: Namespaces, Controller Classes, Router Refactor

12th Chapter: Create, Update, Delete Listings

13th Chapter: Authentication and Authorization

14th Chapter: Final Touches and Adding Counter

This course outline provides a comprehensive guide to mastering PHP, starting from the basics and progressing to advanced topics such as OOP and database integration. Each chapter includes links to relevant resources for further learning and practical implementation.